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Thursday 7 July 2016

Mr Aphoristic's Flashlight Fiesta


Flashlight Fiesta is a brand new series of reviews aimed squarely
at Torches or Flashlights.  When it comes to buying a great Torch at a great price it seems that eBay is where the smart buyers go. Comparing some of these prices to similar spec items on the High street you quickly start paying attention!

After much online bidding and waiting in for the postman a series of reviews will be written, good or bad. 
Already this week we see the first of the Flashlights land on the door step.  It's all very exciting!

The first on the review rosta will be the incredibly ridiculous 303 green Laser - which is purported to run at 1mW lol (Which I look forward to reviewing immensely) 
The second review will feature a tactical Cree™ Q5 red beam torch with pressure switch.  Ideal for fitting to a rifle if you are that way inclined 😂 ..extra novelty value definitely.

To be continued ....