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Monday 25 July 2016

Manky Matchmakers

Manky Nestlé Matchmakers - Taste like Crap
Unfortunately for me, I bought a packet of Matchmakers for a pound and was horrified by what I discovered. Not only was the chocolate a very off putting shade of brown but the normally regular straight minty sticks were deformed! They were either broken or bent. Not very appetising. I tried one and spat it straight out. It tastet awful! A mouthful of manky minty chocolate.
I didn't bother eating them and couldn't even give them away.
A rogue box perhaps? A dud?
I should send them back to Nestlé really but I don't think I can be bothered. I won't be buying any more of these from quality save again.

Look at the state of these!

Price: 99p
Manufacturer: Nestle
Vendor: Quality Save 

Matchmakers are supposed to be straight

Well within their best before date

Do not accept bent matchmakers! lol