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Monday 5 September 2016

Mr Aphoristic and his fascination with Flashlights - blog news

Ah, time to take a step back from reviewing torches for a moment. In no time at all I seem to have reviewed over 50 of the bloody things and It's not quite over...😣 No its not an unhealthy obsession. I'm not a strange hoarder of torches or anything. I actually sell the odd one here and there to friends and acquaintances so reviewing them first is a good way of avoiding selling someone a complete piece of crap - you can lose your friends that way you know! 😂  I do like a good torch and it has been very interesting sniffing out the best quality bargains.

Just a few more torches are due in from our friends out in Shenzen and Kowloon now...ahhhh

Just because the torch supply is drying up doesn't mean I haven't been buying other crap at silly low prices. More in the way of survival nick-nacks, Walkie-Talkie/Radio stuff and random bit of stuff thrown in - at silly prices!
I think that bargain hunting is my obsession if truth be told! lol

Plenty more to look forward to....