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Friday 21 October 2016

Bizarre Ebay Bargains Part #1

Bizarre Ebay Bargains Part #1

This section of my blog is dedicated to all the unusual bargains that I sometimes bag on Ebay.  I dont go out of my way to look for these things, more that they come looking for me especially when I have small change burning a hole in my pocket. I suppose this is a continuation of the challenge I set myself a few months ago where I aimed to bag the cheapest things possible off the bay. As I recall the lowest priced items to date are the rather strange LED Earpicks which cost as little as 1p for 3 including postage. Here are my latest collection of low priced items not normally seen on my ebay summary page. In no particular order we start with...

2x Litmus Paper Books

Price: 10p - 25p per twin pack
Description: Universal Indicator Papers 80 strips X 2 
Will I use Them? : Maybe

These are a blast from the past! Litmus Paper from the chemistry class at school. Special strips of paper which changed colour depending on a liquids PH value (particless of Hydrogen) so anything acidic would turn the paper a shade of red and anything alkaline would turn the paper blue etc etc. Fascinating stuff as I remember. I have never seen any Litmus Paper for sale in the shops over the years so this little find was a rare novelty. Quite why I would need Litmus Paper round the house is another question! Buy now think later! 

Strange Vietnamese Medicated Patches

Price: 20p for 2 packs (16 Patches)
Description: Rheumatic Athoritic Relief Patches
Will I Use Them?: Probably not considering I don't have Arthoritis or anything and I don't know what the active ingredients are anyway.

What the hell was I thinking when I bid on these things!? I know, the price....that was it.

These patches are a mystery to be perfectly honest. Each sachet contains 8 medicated patches (like big sticking plasters) with no instructions or ingredients list in English. The picture on the front of each sachet suggests albino tiger as the active ingredient and as the orientals have a thing for killing tigers for medicines I'm a little apprehensive! The best way of working out what's going on in there is with your nose. The smell given off by these plasters is very similar to Tiger Balm (another oriental remedy) a slightly spicy menthol aroma would best describe it.
Tiger Balm is a known quantity whereas this isn't.
I'm thinking of donating these to the local care home first aid box.  😂😂

3D Butterfly Decorations

Price: 10p-20p per pack (12)
Description: 3D Decorative wall art
Will I Use Them?: Not me personally, I know people who will though

The reasons why a grown man would buy packets of plastic butterflies can easily be explained.
I actually bought these for other people for sticking on their walls at home. For the price it's hard not to like them. The butterflies come in different sizes and are made from a reasonably strong plastic film.  Each pack comes with a strip of sticky pads for sticking to the wall.  I have seen these packs going for £2.50 each so these are a massive saving. They are OK.

V For Vendetta/Guy Fawkes/Anonymous Masks

Price: 99p for 2
Description: Yellow V For Vendetta Masks
Will I Use Them?: Yes, It's Halloween and Guy Fawkes night soon.

With Bon Fire night and Halloween just around the corner I wanted something different to wear over both nights.
This twin pack was only 99p which seemed an absolute bargain at the time. I have since seen a single mask selling for almost £5 in the last couple of days which is outrageous.
The build quality and art work on these masks is actually very good indeed. They fit really nicely on the face and don't irritate like a lot of cheap shit costume masks.
I was really impressed with the Chinese seller who had packaged these up well when he sent them.
Two of these for a quid is a bargain!!

I definitely didn't buy these to take on an Anonymous movement rally. !

Skull Snood/Balaclava

Price: 50p
Description: Full Face Skull Balaclava Snood
Will I Use It?: Yes, an alternative Halloween mask? or for using in the winter time.

Winter is upon us and so is Halloween, what better than a warm skull printed Balaclava?!
I saw these a while back and thought that the £1.50-£2.00 going rate was a little steep.  Bagging this specimen for 50p seemed a good idea.
Although made from a polyester type fabric it's actually quite warm to wear. The skull print is quite effective when the Balaclava is fitted properly.
Another Halloween mask alternative should the need arise. Impressed.

Plastic Spudger/Pry Tools

Price: 1p-6p free Shipping
Description: Plastic pry tool for opening mobile phones and tablets
Will I Use Them?: Yes, already use them

I must say these are brilliant! I have already benefitted from them in way of opening up a phone and a Baofeng radio. Despite looking weak and puny these tools are as tough as old boots. I really can't complain at the price. A great addition to any tool box.

Anti-Snooring Device

Price: 20p
Description: Anti-Snooring Sleep Apnea Device
Will I Use This: haha No chance!

Why I bought this strange device is anyone's guess.  I think I was curious as to how it works? For the cheap price of 20p it was worth a look.
To this day it is still unclear as to what this device actually is? On the box it shows images of people running away from a presumed disaster coving their faces to avoid smoke/dust inhalation. It looks like a still image from the 9/11 attack?
The image adorning the front of the box shows a woman asleep in bed with one of these shoved up her nose. So what function does this device serve? Is it a smog/pollution filter or an Anti-Snooring Device?
Inside this nasal aid is nothing more than a thin piece of sponge... So it serves neither purpose I would suggest!

V For Vendetta Pendant + Chain

Price: 60p
Will I Use This?: Probably not
I saw this Vendetta Pendant lurking around the auction items of the seller I bought the masks from. Does he/she have a thing for vendetta? Who knows.
This pendant + chain ensemble cost considerably less than a pound which is quite remarkable when you consider the actual
size of this thing when it arrives.  The Guy fawkes face is a couple of inches long and feels weighty and solid. I wasn't expecting much if I'm being honest so being presented with this was a nice bonus.
Not sure I will use this chain. It's as big as a 1970's medallion often worn on top of an unbuttoned shirt. Very 'saturday night fever'

I must stop buying cheap tat!