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Friday 6 November 2015

Tesco Announce the death of Hudl

Hudl Project Shelved Indefinitely

It has been a fortnight since Tesco announced to the world that it was no longer selling the critically acclaimed Hudl 2.  (I only posted a review on it the other week!) This came as a shock to Hudl owners but was not entirely surprising considering the financial problems Tesco has been having recently. The rise in discount retailers such as Aldi and Lidl has badly eaten into Tescos market dominance. Combine that with the revelation that they had cooked their books when the auditors came round made Tesco rethink their strategy and focus more on their core business of flogging good old Groceries. This means that most of their non related lines have been axed including Blinkbox and the Hudl Tablet project. Early indications that something was wrong was when one of the chief bods on the project was relieved of his duties. The next indicator was the price slashing of Hudl accessories. The third was the empty Tablet spaces on the Hudl aisle displays....
So the Hudl 2 only lasted a year....

Tesco said they were not replenishing stocks but would still offer technical support and honour warranties. That's nice of them.

Quite honesty I find it staggering that they would pull the Hudl now and not after the Christmas period. Simply because they could easily sell all their remaining stock and accessories in one go. Plenty of people are still asking for them. The demand is huge. 
It's a shame