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Friday 27 January 2017

DIY Fast Scan on Baofeng Radios

Aphoristic's World Of Radio


Baofeng radios are widely critised for being slow at scanning. 
This is indeed true but then these cheap little pocket radios are not purpose built for scanning.
They are dual band Transceivers first and foremost, however 
Scanning frequencies is a tedious affair and scanning the programmed channels is just as bad.
I just got used to it.....

Until now...maybe I found myself a way to at least speed up my preset channel scanning..??
(This doesn't work for fast scanning the frequency)

DIY Fast Channel Scan
By simple holding down either the up or down arrow buttons for more than a second causes the channels to scan through at a much faster rate!
Any confirmed hits flash the RX light - the only trouble is it doesn't stop, it just carries on. 
The trick is to be quick on the release of the button, if you are lucky you might just land a couple of channels either way of the hit.
It's not an exact science obviously but it can be really handy if you have loads of channels to monitor.
Practice makes perfect!

Which Baofengs?
This feature works on the GT-3 and the UV-82.
Sadly, it doesn't work on my UV-5RE - even though it has quite recent firmware inside (Bf297?)

It may very well work on other models - try it.